Friday, November 1, 2013

Installing The MDF Bed (Video 7)

I started following directions for installing the MDF Bed in Video 7 which is a 24 minute video.

Things were progressing very smoothly until about 10 minutes into the video.  First, the video informed me that the MDF bed bearing mounts clip on to the bearings.  Right then, a text overlay popped up over the center of the video and informed me that this type began failing after the video was made.  So at some point in time, NWRepRap started shipping a different type of MDF bed bearing mount that is to be secured with zip ties.  You can click on the little X on the upper right of the overlay to close it so you can see the video underneath.

I didn't immediately see how this was possible, so I went to NWRepRap's web site and requested help.  About 15 minutes later, I got a helpful email with some pics.  The pics showed me slots where the zip ties fit.  Here they are (courtesy of Aaron Dale at NWRepRap):

Around 11:30 into the video, Aaron does a pretty impressive contortion/balancing act.  He places the unattached MDF bed on top of the bearing mounts which are clipped into the bearings.  Then he manages to look underneath the MDF bed (which is only about 4 inches off the table top) and mark eight holes on the underside of the MDF bed with a pencil.

The bed bearing mounts  that came with my kit are not clip-on.  They simply lay on top of the bearing until I secure it with a zip tie.  The slightest push and they simply slide off the bearing and fall onto the table underneath.  So I did not even attempt Aaron's acrobatic feat.  Instead I carefully measured out the position of the holes with a ruler and digital caliper based on the size of the bearing mounts and the distance between the Y axis smooth rods.  Here is a pic of my MDF bed before mounting:

Here is what my kit looks like after Video 7:

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